Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Latest Amazing Wrist MP3 Player Creative

Latest Amazing Wrist MP3 Player Creative 
Latest Amazing Wrist MP3 Player Creative 

Latest Amazing Wrist MP3 Player Creative

Hailed as “MP3 Player Creative,” the
portable music player features a
flexible OLED screen that other than
displaying the playlist also lets the
user select the song or control volume
with just a touch of a finger. Worn
around the wrist like a bracelet, the
MP3 concept gives easy access of the
functions to the user. In addition, the
sleek music player includes wireless
headphones to offer clutter-free music
on the go.


  1. shut up and take my money! where do i get one?! O:

  2. Where do I get one and how much

  3. Is this just a concept, or is this real? If it is real, where can we get it, and for how much?

  4. You previous commenters are kidding right??? It clearly says "concept" in the post! READ.

    1. Glad someone can freeking READ!

    2. No it does not. It says "lastest amazing...."

    3. @ William, I know right!!!! "MP3 concept gives easy access of the"

  5. I hope concept turns to reality...that is slammin'!!

  6. SOOOO.. once they make these, how much will it cost to replace an earbud that falls out and gets stepped on on an NYC sidewalk?

  7. when will this go from being a concept to the real deal; and then what would the price be.

  8. Just one question,"HOW MUCH???"

  9. does anybody know when this is coming out

  10. They need to include a button on the wrist band for locating an ear piece, as they look losable to me. So the ear piece flashes the green band on it, vibrates and gives out a bleeping sound.

  11. This is the Latest music player to be launched soon as the company is not declared the launching date, so we have to wait for this new tech.


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